SHOCO v2.1 - User Guide

By: Team SHOCOTech

Since: Feb 2020

Creators: Tan Kok Joon, Labi Trisha Angelica Vergara, Loh Ching Wei, Joshua, Phoon Jia Juin, Wong Jin En, Shannon


Table of Contents



Have you ever encountered the problem of having to make multiple trips to the supermarket because you forgot to get something important? Have you ever gone to the supermarket just to realise you do not have enough cash on you?

If these problems sound familiar to you, fret not! With SHOCO, such troubles are now a thing of the past.

SHOCO is a command-line interface (CLI) application that allows you to manage and plan your shopping list and budget. With better organisation and also a budget tracker, we are here to enhance your grocery-shopping experience and make the woes of grocery shopping disappear.


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Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed. Otherwise download it from here.
  2. Download the latest version of SHOCO from here, named CS2113T-T13-1.Shoco.jar under version 2.1.
  3. Copy the JAR file into an empty folder
  4. Open the command prompt in the empty folder and type in the following command: java -jar CS2113T-T13-1.Shoco.jar
  5. You are now all set to plan your shopping list!


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Command Format


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Viewing help: HELP

Shows the available commands, their purpose and how they are to be used.

Format: HELP


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Displaying list and budget details: DISPLAY

Shows the shopping list, budget, cost of the items and the remaining budget.



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Setting a budget: SET

Sets a budget for the user.

Format: SET b/AMOUNT

Example of usage:

SET b/3.00


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Adding an item: ADD

Adds an item to the shopping list.


Examples of usage:

  1. ADD i/potato p/5.00 q/3 OR ADD p/5.00 q/3 i/potato
    • Add the description, price and quantity of this item in the shopping list
  2. ADD i/potato chips p/5.00 OR ADD i/potato chips q/2 OR ADD p/5.00 i/potato chips OR ADD q/5 i/potato chips
    • Add the description and price / description and quantity / of the item in the shopping list
  3. ADD i/potato chips
    • Add only description of the item in the shopping list


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Editing an item: EDIT

Edits the specified item in the shopping list.


Examples of usage:

  1. EDIT 3 i/potato p/5.00 q/3
    • Edits the description, price and quantity of the 3rd item in the shopping list
  2. EDIT 3 i/potato chips p/5.00 OR EDIT 3 i/potato chips q/2 OR EDIT 3 p/5.00 q/2
    • Edits the description and price / description and quantity / price and quantity of the 3rd item in the shopping list
  3. EDIT 3 i/potato chips OR EDIT 3 p/5.00 OR EDIT 3 q/2
    • Edits only description / only price / only quantity of the 3rd item in the shopping list


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Marking an item as bought: MARK

Marks an item from the list at the specified index as bought. When first added initially, the item will have the status [X] to indicate that it is un-marked. After marking the item as bought, the status of item becomes [B].


Example of the usage:

  1. MARK 5
    • This marks the 5th item in your list as bought.
    • The status of the 5th item is now [B]


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Un-marking a marked item: UNMARK

Un-marks a marked-as-bought item from the list at the specified index. After being marked as bought, the item will have the status [B] to indicate that it is marked as bought. After un-marking the marked-as-bought item, the status of the item becomes [X].


Example of the usage:

  1. UNMARK 3
    • This marks the 3rd item in your list as not bought yet.
    • The status of the 3rd item is now [X]


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Finding an item: FIND

Filters the shopping list according to a keyword specified by the user.


Example of usage:

FIND apple


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Deleting an item: DEL

Removes an item from the list at the specified index.


Example of usage:



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Clearing the list: CLEAR

Clears all items in the shopping list.

Format: CLEAR


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Resetting a budget: RES

Resets the budget to be $0.00 for the user.

Format: RES


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Exiting the program: BYE

Exits the program.

Format: BYE


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Additional information

1. Loading and saving your shopping list

All your shopping list and budget data are saved to JSON files after you exit the application. This data is also retrieved from the same JSON files the next time you boot up Shoco. No further action is required from you as this is an automatic process.

2. Automated budget tracker

When the total cost of the items in your shopping list exceeds the stored budget amount, a message will be displayed which states by how much you have overrun your current budget. This message will only stop appearing when you increase your budget amount sufficiently or remove enough items from your list to keep within your budget.


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Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Simply transfer the JSON files that contain your SHOCO data onto the new computer and place them in the folder that contains the SHOCO app. If the folder already has the JSON files, replace them.

Q: Is it possible to restore a list that I have deleted?

A: Unfortunately, we are still working on this feature and there is no such functionality at this point in time. It is however, possible to manually backup the shoppinglist.json file from time to time so that if you unintentionally cleared your list, you can always replace the empty shoppinglist.json file with your backed up version.


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Command Summary


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