Tan Kok Joon - Project Portfolio Page



SHOCO is a command-line interface (CLI) application written in Java that is used for managing and planning shopping lists and budgets, mainly targeting the inconveniences of unplanned grocery shopping.

Summary of Contributions

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users


Have you ever encountered the problem of having to make multiple trips to the supermarket because you forgot to get something important? Have you ever gone to the supermarket just to realise you do not have enough cash on you?

If these problems sound familiar to you, fret not! With SHOCO, such troubles are now a thing of the past.

SHOCO is a command-line interface (CLI) application that allows you to manage and plan your shopping list and budget. With better organisation and also a budget tracker, we are here to enhance your grocery-shopping experience and make the woes of grocery shopping disappear.  

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed. Otherwise download it from here.
  2. Download the latest version of SHOCO from here, named CS2113T-T13-1.Shoco.jar under version 2.1.
  3. Copy the JAR file into an empty folder
  4. Open the command prompt in the empty folder and type in the following command: java -jar CS2113T-T13-1.Shoco.jar
  5. You are now all set to plan your shopping list!  

Setting a budget: SET

Sets a budget for the user.

Format: SET b/AMOUNT

Example of usage: SET b/3.00

Finding an item: FIND

Filters the shopping list according to a keyword specified by the user.


Example of usage: FIND apple

Deleting an item: DEL

Removes an item from the list at the specified index.


Example of usage: DEL 3

Additional information

1. Loading and saving your shopping list

All your shopping list and budget data are saved to JSON files after you exit the application. This data is also retrieved from the same JSON files the next time you boot up Shoco. No further action is required from you as this is an automatic process.

2. Automated budget tracker

When the total cost of the items in your shopping list exceeds the stored budget amount, a message will be displayed which states by how much you have overrun your current budget. This message will only stop appearing when you increase your budget amount sufficiently or remove enough items from your list to keep within your budget.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

2. Overview of the SHOCO application

The Duke class manages all required resources in the execution of the application. These include a ShoppingList object to keep track of the Item objects the user has added to his list and a Budget object to store the user’s budget.

Duke also has a Storage object for saving and loading data from the disk - this data is stored as JSON files and consists of the latest saved ShoppingList and Budget.

There is a dependency from Duke to Parser as it only creates an instance of the Parser every time user input is received by the Ui and does not keep track of the Parser which is deleted after it is done parsing the current user input. The Parser determines what command is being invoked by the user before creating a new Command object. It then returns the reference to the new Command object to Duke.

At any point in time, Duke only stores up to one Command and no more. This Command has to be executed before Duke can receive more user input.

3.3 Set budget feature

3.3.1 Current implementation

The set budget feature is implemented using a SetBudgetCommand class which extends the main Command class with a variable representing the budget amount. The process is as follows:

  1. Duke receives user input from Ui.
  2. Duke calls Parser#parseCommand() to instantiate a SetBudgetCommand object based on that user input.
  3. Duke then calls SetBudgetCommand#execute().
  4. SetBudgetCommand#execute() makes another call to Budget#setBudget().
  5. The amount in the Budget object is set to the amount specified by the user.

The following sequence diagram below shows how the set budget feature works. Note the Ui class is omitted in the sequence diagram to emphasise on the other classes: alt text

3.3.2 Design considerations
Aspect: Data structure to support the set budget feature

Reason for choosing alternative 1: By implementing each command type in a separate class, any bugs associated with a particular functionality will not affect other functionalities that significantly. It would also make it easier for us to work in parallel.

3.7 Find feature

3.7.1 Current implementation

The find feature is implemented using a FindCommand class which extends the main Command class with a String representing the keyword specified by the user. The process is as follows:

  1. Duke receives user input from Ui.
  2. Duke calls Parser#parseCommand() to instantiate a FindCommand object based on that user input.
  3. Duke then calls FindCommand#execute().
  4. FindCommand#execute() makes various calls to ShoppingList#getItem() to check whether the Item at each specified index contains the given keyword.
  5. Each Item that contains the keyword is then added to a new ArrayList named filteredItems that is maintained by the FindCommand object.
  6. This list of matching results is then printed to standard output.

The following sequence diagram below shows how the Duke object creates the FindCommand object. Note the Ui class is omitted in the sequence diagram to emphasise on the other classes: alt text

This next sequence diagram will show how the FindCommand creates the filteredItems list: alt text

3.7.2 Design considerations
Aspect: Data structure to support the find feature

Reason for choosing alternative 1: With each command type having its own class, we could work better in parallel and also be able to trace functionality bugs more easily if each command class deals with a different functionality.

3.8 Delete feature

3.8.1 Current implementation

The delete feature is implemented using a DeleteCommand class which extends the main Command class with an index representing that of the item to be deleted from the shopping list. The process is as follows:

  1. Duke receives user input from Ui.
  2. Duke calls Parser#parseCommand() to instantiate a DeleteCommand object based on that user input.
  3. Duke then calls DeleteCommand#execute().
  4. DeleteCommand#execute() makes another call to ShoppingList#deleteItem().
  5. The Item at the specified index is then removed from the ShoppingList object.

The following sequence diagram below shows how the delete feature works. Note the Ui class is omitted in the sequence diagram to emphasise on the other classes: alt text

3.8.2 Design considerations
Aspect: Data structure to support the delete feature

Reason for choosing alternative 1: By abstracting out different command types as separate classes, this allowed us to work better in parallel and also be able to spot bugs more easily as each class deals with a different functionality.

Appendix A: Product Scope

This section talks about who this product is specially designed for and what it aims to achieve.

Target user profile
Value proposition

Appendix C: Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any OS that has Java 11 or later installed.
  2. Should respond to any user commands within 2 seconds.
  3. Should be easy to use even for people who have never used a command line interface before.